So after browsing many pictures I determined that I needed some good quality greenery/garland. I have a lot of long surfaces in my house that needed something. Entertainment center in the living room, china cabinet in the kitchen, space above the cabinets in the kitchen…you get the idea.
I went on a hunt and was determined to not let money be the determining factor of a purchase because it was something I could use year after year. And it would make me happy. Which is priceless. Well after hunting several craft stores for a couple hours, I was empty handed and sad. Not only was the garland I found expensive, it just didn’t look good. It was small and looked fake.
There is nothing I hate more than the ideas in my head not translating into reality. It is aggravating beyond words.
So my husband suggested buying some real garland.
But but but….it will die and dry out and it’s expensive! But I was game and tried to let go of my thrifty ways just once.
We took the kids on a trip to a local nursery Hensler’s nursery and found 25 feet of mixed garland for $32. Boy was that worth it. I used it for so much around the house, and since we have an artificial tree, we were able to get some real greenery in the house for less than the cost of a real tree.
Here’s how I used it.
Across the top of the entertainment center, accented with giant poinsettia stems from WalMart.
Top of the china cabinet with tinsel trees and Christmas subway art.
Then in the dining room, I draped the chandelier and made the centerpiece from what was left over.
So at least for now, until I can find garland that is up to my standards, I will be buying a rope of the real stuff, especially since it goes so far!
Wow, your sorta all kinds of amazing. -Sadie